Phone: 804-937-6738
Opioid epidemic is a disaster. How to we can get rid of it? Acupuncture probably is a good for it. Believe or not, still, it is a effectiveness, natural, and low cost of way can be alternative opioids medicine for pain in most times, if you see a right doctor. Did you know acupuncture was used as surgical anesthesia for surgery? If this fact is true,what it was suggested to us? That means, may acupuncture shall take the important position in medical area for variety of pain (include acute and chronic) issues. Keeping an open mind, it may help you open a new life.
Acupuncture Treatment Plan
Condition | Type | Symptom | Average Length of Acupuncture Treatment* |
Pain | Acute |
TMJ Disorder Frozen Shoulder Sciatic Neck |
3 sessions 4 sessions 4 sessions 2 sessions |
Pain | Chronic |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Tendonitis Myofascitis Knee Headache Back Pain Fibromyalgia Arthritis |
4 sessions 4 sessions 4 sessions 5 sessions 4 sessions 5 sessions 6 sessions 6 sessions |
Neurological |
Parkinson's Stroke Peripheral Neuropathy Bell's Palsy |
Impaired Communication and Social Interaction
Stiffness, Slow Movements Hemiplegia, Spasticity, Dysphagia Pain, Tingling, Buming Sensation Deviation of Mouth |
8 sessions
Life Span First 6 months
8 sessions
5 sessions |
Thyroid |
Hyperthyroid Hypothyroid |
Palpitation, Insomnia, T3 & T4 Hormone Increase Fatigue, T3 & T4 Hormone Decrease |
1 year 1 year |
Women's Health |
Menopause Menstrual Cramps PMS |
Hot Flashes, Night Sweat, Insomnia, Water Retention, Depression Painful Periods
4 sessions 4 sessions 4 sessions |
Immune Related |
Allergies Frequent Common Cold |
Sneezing, Asthma Sore Throat, Congested Nose |
6 sessions 4 sessions |
Gastrointestinal |
Heart Burn IBS Constipation |
Acid Reflex Alternating Constipation and Diarrhea Dry Stool, Difficult to Excretion |
4 sessions 8 sessions 6 sessions |
Stress Management & Well-Being |
Anxiety, Anger Depression Fatigue Insomnia Weight Loss Hunger Control |
6 sessions 6 sessions 8 sessions 4 sessions 10 sessions 5 sessions |
Chronic & Complex |
Vertigo Narcolepsy
Alopecia |
Dizziness, Tinnitus Uncontrollable Sleep Balding, Hair Loss |
4 sessions 10 sessions
10 sessions |
Infertility | Male |
Poor Quality and Low Quantity of Sperm
Prostatitis |
4 months
4 months |
Infertility | Female |
Poor Follicle Quality Miscarriage Endometriosis Assist IUI & IVF Reproductive Therapy |
4 months 6 months 6 Sessions 4 sessions |
Other (includes non diagnosed illness) |
Contact us |
Average length of acupuncture treatment* = solely an average, is subject to change for conditions mentioned above.
Phone: 804-937-6738
Acupuncture Richmond VA acupuncture Glen Allen VA